figurative language

the play of Julius caesar consists of three parts of figurative language, similies, metophors and personification.

in act 3 scene 1 there are a range of figerative languge used in quotations. caesar says “But I am constant as the northern star” this quotation means that he is unmovable or unable to change,this links to a northern start because the northern star never moves and remains the same for ever. this is a simile because he is comparing himself to the northern star.

caesar the says”The skies are painted with unnumbered sparks” this links back to the other quotation”But I am constant as the northern star” because he says he is unmovable.Then he says”the sky is filled with unnumbered sparks” which i think means that everybody are sparks and they revolve around him. this is a metaphor because he says that everyone are spark instead of comparing them to sparks.






One response to “figurative language”

  1. jnorth Avatar

    Discovery Achieved!

    1) Look at your second paragraph – how could you develop your ideas fully and make your meaning clearer?
    2) Link your ideas to the theme of fate and/or another scene in the play to achieve Figure It Out.
