Author: donte

  • Language features

    Stevenson uses the adverb ‘incredibly’ to show us the extent of which Hyde mangled Danvers Carew the MP. He also uses a range of different adverbs to describe the violent actions of Hyde’s deed. For example Stevenson also uses the adverb “audibly”. This word gives the impression that his bones were shatters so hard that you…

  • Chapter3 summary

    Dr Jekyll hosts a part. Everybody leaves apart from utterson. Jekyll and utterson are pleased to have the chance to speak. Utterson brings up his concerns with jekylls will. Jekyll promises utterson that Hyde is in his life by choice and he can be rid of him when he chooses. Jekyll makes utterson promise him…

  • The will

    If I thought someone dangerous was my closets friend I would talk to him to find out why they would be threatening my friend if my partner thought someone was threatening their closest friend they would bang him when mr utterson thinks that someone is threatening his closest friend, he decides to investing at why…

  • Julius Caesar act5 scene

    scene 1 the field of Brockwell Park: Oscar, Anton, and their squad Oscar: Anton , we got what we wanted . You said that they wouldn’t come down to Brockwell and stay in Brixton .They haven’t though, they want to fight us here in Brockwell calling us out before we’ve even got the chance to .…

  • Persuasive writing

    Teenagers’ we just want to be respected and not seen as the cause of the worlds end. We are often seen as grumpy, troublesome,disrespectful and lazy. But, most of these stereotypes are not true at all. We are involved in multiple amounts of sports so how could we be lazy? Most of us are not…

  • Teenagers’ we just want to be respected and not seen as the cause of the worlds end. We are often seen as grumpy, troublesome,disrespectful and lazy. But, most of these stereotypes are not true at all. We are involved in multiple amounts of sports so how could we be lazy. Most of us are not…

  • Satire

    The London nautical school, what a great school. You spend a long time there learning the things that will change your life dramatically. School dinners, we gain a lot of nutrition from them,they have everything a boy would need to sustain energy. Cow feaces is much cheaper than meat and is twice as nutritious Detentions.all…

  • Fate in julius Caesar

    Shakespeare presents fate in many different ways in Julius Caesar . It is probably the main subject in the play. It comes from people’s actions,if they do something bad then the outcome of what happens next is inevitable. Shakespeare shows fate in an extract from Julius Caesar act5 scene 1 the farewell between Brutus and…

  • main part in act5 scene 3

    I think the most important part in act 5 scene 3 is when titinus kills himself and then Brutus say”o Julius Caesar,thou art mighty yet,thy spirit walks abroad and turns our swords in our own proper entrails”. I think this means that Brutus is saying that the ghost of Caesar is turning people’s swords into…

  • figurative language

    the play of Julius caesar consists of three parts of figurative language, similies, metophors and personification. in act 3 scene 1 there are a range of figerative languge used in quotations. caesar says “But I am constant as the northern star” this quotation means that he is unmovable or unable to change,this links to a…