Author: donte

  • “The wind was continually charging and routing these embattled vapours” his suggests that the wind is very strong powerful and forceful by using personification to make it look like the wind has theses human like attributes  

  • “He showered her with gifts” this uses figurative language to exaggerate the amount of gifts that the woman got but. By saying she was showered with gifts it suggest that the was given a lot of gifts

  • Stevenson uses co-ordination adjectives to describe or change the opinion of the noun . In the passage he uses to two words inordinate and strong to make utterson’s curiosity seem very strong and large .

  • Why do humans have nightmares

    People have nightmare because a bad or scary scenario might have happened during their day and the worry about it. So while they think about is at night it transfers into their dreams pleople have nightmares as a way to relieve stress navies slid a bad situation. It’s a way of sleping of the problem…

  • Dr lanyons disagreement with dr jekyll

    “How have you and Jekyll been”? I see little of him now “How come “? He began to go wrong, wrong in the mind “Have you tried a doctor”? No is way to far.

  • gothic setting

    the wind was blowing rapidly across my face and howling loudly. It was dark and misty with a sense of terror and suspense. The dusty leaves brushed across my feet and then disappeared into the blackness of the night. as i took a nervouse step forward i could feel the wet,soggy mud squashing underneath the…

  • Examples of contrast jekyll is tired utterson is lively jekyll has been through a lot utterson thinks the problem is resolved jekyll is Lonley, utterson appears to have friends jekyll has secluded himself, utterson is moving on Jekyll appears unhealthy, utterson appears healthy Jekyll is getting week,utterson is getting strong b1• When utterson and Enfield…

  • 1 The adjective red-faced modifies the noun gentleman by giving us the picture that the man way quite old and was very wrinkly in his face 2 in extract 2 the comparative adjective modifies the noun me useing the words balder and older . The tells us that he is balder and older than he…

  • Stevenson uses metaphors to present Hyde as crul by useing quotes like “hailing down storm of blows”. This presents the scene as very violent and brutal , the way Hyde battered his victim with no control.the words storm and blows show how agtessive and Powerful the attack was. Stevenson also uses a range of other…