Author: donte

  • In this paragraph Shelly uses personification and hyperbole to give a strong effect to what he is saying aswell as making it slightly sarcastic and have a sense of humor . He uses personification where he says that the mountains actually “kiss the heavens and the sunlight clasps the earth” mountains don’t actually kiss the…

  • Analysing the film

    Music Mcandless  was firm when he was doing the voice overs camera the camera zooms in to his face to show the way that he is feeling PoV shot of a car in the car park outside the bar action  he jumped on to the stage with so much excitement and the crowd clapped him…

  • Christopher mccandlesses parents offered to purchase him a new car and  he declined the offer. The reason he declined the offer was because of his belief in what life is. Christopher mcnadless doesn’t believe in material objects, he doesn’t believe In the thought of money or status . He believes that everyone is equal and there…

  • When Christopher Mandles was away for a month it deveatatded his father franz he couldn’t go a day withough thinking about Christopher. Then suddenly Christopher makes a phone call to franz after a whole month. When he call  franz he uses a simile to describe his joy for Christopher’s voice . He describes ha voice…

  • In the beginning of the novel “the strange case of Dr Jekyll and me Hyde ” Jekyll (the main character) is describe very thouroly as a large, well -made, smooth-faced man of fifty, with something of a slyish cast perhaps, but every mark of capacity and kindness. The author Stevenson describes him as well made because…

  • stevenson presents Jekyll as disturbed by they way he appeared . In the text he writes other Jekyll looked “deathly sick.he did not rise to meet his visitor ,but held out a cold hand and bade him welcome in a changed voice .this makes him appear disturbed because it portrays him as quite withdrawn and…

  • ­a distasteful sense of strangess -setting  now lying gaunt and silent-setting looking deathly sick – mr Jekyll change in voice -mr Jekyll stevenson description of setting utterson response to Jekyll jekyll broken dialogue jekyll appeared

  • To be disturbed means to be unsettled or to interupt a peaceful situation .

  • Stevenson uses a range of figurative language devices in the Novak “Jekyll and Hyde “. He uses the language feature personification in order to make explicit links between the setting and the characters.e.g but the wind was continually changing and routing theses embattled vapours. This tells us how sharply and agtessive the wind was blowing