Teenagers’ we just want to be respected and not seen as the cause of the worlds end. We are often seen as grumpy, troublesome,disrespectful and lazy. But, most of these stereotypes are not true at all. We are involved in multiple amounts of sports so how could we be lazy. Most of us are not troublesome we just get labeled as troublesome because of the people we are with. We are only respectful to people who respect us.so these stereotypes need to go!

Long school days are the worst. 6hours of learning things we will never use in the future what’s the point, we are also pressured because of an major tests called GCSEs . We study way too hard for adults to be calling us lazy. They expect so much from us but they don’t understand that it’s not that easy. Whenever we are relaxing playing Xbox or chilling with our friends were labeled as lazy because apparently we don’t care about our future.

Friends are another huge problem for us. As well as adults our peers expect things from us as well and if we don’t meet there expectations there we are labeled as neeks, wet and moist. That’s a struggle for us because then it can lead to being bullied or rejection. None of us want to be rejected so we are forced into being apart of the “squad” or “gang”.

We have to worry about getting into university, collage or and getting a good job. Adults have done all of that but earlier. Since then everything has changed , it’s much harder , we do t even have cause work they took it of the school learning process.

Sports is a difficulty aswell,for instance instance football ,many of us are training 24/7 to get Into and academy so there is a chance of us mabey one day making it pro. There is also a lot of pressure on us with that as well because what adults and especially teachers don’t know is that the older we get the harder it is to get into an academy so we can’t be wasting any time taking extra lessons or doing detentions.

It’s more dangerous On the street for a teenager than it is for an adult or child because on the streets there is a thing about area and which area your from if to areas are in an argument and your from a certain area that they don’t like you are more likely to get stabbed or robbed. We are also most likely to get stopped by police and security just because of the way we dress or how we look, but we can’t help this because the type of clothes we ware is style or “the in thing” we are expected to ware certain types of clothes by our peers to look cool and if we don’t again that can lead to bullying and rejection.

Puberty is also a huge part to play In The way we act or behave. We start to experience new things and try new things. We suddenly start to get attracted to people and try to impress them in stupid ways. You might thing were grumpy and lazy but Really we have mood swings because of the way our body’s are changing . Adults don’t understand the puberty we go through because there are other things around the puberty that make things worse.






One response to “”

  1. Ms E Andrews Avatar
    Ms E Andrews

    Hello Donte

    This first draft is really good. You present some great ideas and arguments. I feel your opening paragraph is strongest. You really make your viewpoint known by using pronouns, power of three and rhetorical questions. Your point of view and argument develops with each paragraph.

    To unlock the Expository Essay Badge you should focus on:

    1. Adding another paragraph to meet the 700 word limit. You are currently on 572 words. You could use an anecdote to enhance your argument?

    2. Work on your accuracy- Spelling, punctuation and grammar. Quite often when you use a rhetorical question you don’t use a question mark. (spellings: college, bodies…)

    3. You need to include a final paragraph which brings closure to the argument- I suggest you try and make adults empathise with you? Try and make them remember what it was like being a teenager?

    We will work on this tomorrow in class.

    Ms Andrews
