Fate in julius Caesar

Shakespeare presents fate in many different ways in Julius Caesar . It is probably the main subject in the play. It comes from people’s actions,if they do something bad then the outcome of what happens next is inevitable.

Shakespeare shows fate in an extract from Julius Caesar act5 scene 1 the farewell between Brutus and Cassius. In the first paragraph Cassius says”the gods to-day stand friendly, that we may,lovers in peace, lead on our days to age! But since the affairs of men rest still uncertain, let’s reason with the worst that may befall. Cassius is saying that the gods control the fate of that day but he does not know the future of the men who are around him around him and hopes they win and will live to old age. Fate is used in this because he’s trying to say that the gods decide what happens it the future for these men, weather they die or live.

In the second paragraph Brutus talks about how Cato committed suicide because he was afraid of the future. He says that he believes that Cato’s act of commiting suicide was cowardly and vile and he only did it to prevent early possible suffering later on. Brutus says that he will not commit suicide and he plans to be patient and submit to what the gods decide. This links to fate because Cato was afraid of his own fate. He knows that there is no way around fate so he decided to commit suicide to prevent later suffering but Brutus on the other hand also know that there is no way to avoid fate. He decides to accept it and take whatever the future holds for him. He believes that the gods decide his fate and whatever the gods decide for him it must happen.

Brutus tells Cassius that he is not going to accept walking into Rome in chains and that he’d rather accept his fate of possible death. He bids Cassius a farewell by saying “forever and forever, farewell, Cassius! If we meet again, then we’ll smile. If not, then this parting was well done.

The play of Julius Caesar consists of three parts of figurative language, similies, metophors and personification.

In act 3 scene 1 there are a range of figerative languge used in quotations. caesar says “But I am constant as the northern star” this quotation means that he is unmovable or unable to change,this links to a northern start because the northern star never moves and remains the same for ever. this is a simile because he is comparing himself to the northern star.

Caesar says”The skies are painted with unnumbered sparks” this links back to the other quotation”But I am constant as the northern star” because he says he is unmovable.Then he says”the sky is filled with unnumbered sparks” which i think means that everybody are sparks and they revolve around him. this is a metaphor because he says that everyone are spark instead of comparing them to sparks

I think that shakespear punishes characters in the play that do not belive I  fate. For example when Caesar  says that he is as constant as the northern star which I interprate as he is imortal and he cannot be defeated or killed. Shakespear punishes him by getting him killed by Brutus and all.

Shakespeare presents “fate” in this passage by using the emotions of each character in relation about how they feel about the future.and also how they react to it e.g Cato commuting suicide in a cowardly act or Brutus accepting his fate in a brave and noble way.






2 responses to “Fate in julius Caesar”

  1. jnorth Avatar

    You have shown some understanding of the theme of fate and explored the language used in your given scene.

    Always re-read and edit your work. Is your meaning clear? Have you corrected typos?

    Identify and explore the effect of figurative language devices

    Link your ideas to at least two other scenes in the play that explore the them of fate

  2. jnorth Avatar


    You have achieved Figure It Out by exploring how Fate is shown throughout the play through figurative devices.

    Re-draft at least one paragraph to aim for the Perfect Paragraph badge

    How would you begin to achieve this badge?
