act 3 scene 3

In Act 3 Scene 3 the four plebeians were interrogating Cina.They asked him things like what is your name,where are you going,where do you live and are you a married man or a bachelor.They forced him into answering the questions.Cinna didnt want to answer but he did answer two questions.He replied “What’s my name? Where am I going? Where do I live? Am I a married man or a bachelor? Then, to answer every man briefly, wisely, and truthfully—wisely I say, I am a bachelor.”Cinna says he is now going to caesars funeral.The plebeians ask him”as a friend or an enemy”he replies”as a friend”.The third plebeian asks him for his real name,he replies,truly,my name is Cinna.Suddenly the plebeians accuse him of being a conspirator.They shout”tear him to pieces!”the third plebeian yells”Come, firebrands, over here! To Brutus’s, to Cassius’s, let’s burn them all. Some of you go to Decius’s house and some to Casca’s. Some to Ligarius’s. Go!






One response to “act 3 scene 3”

  1. jnorth Avatar


    This is a well developed scene summary that explains the events of the scene clearly. Good job.

    Why do you think the crowd are so angry at this point?

    Does your quotation contain any figurative language? Can you select a quotation that does use figurative language and identify this device?

    Keep it up,

    Mr North
